Hello world!

This is my first blog post on my newly redesigned website. I think it’s appropriate to talk about how I got to this point. After researching websites and web designers, I decided to use a WordPress platform. WordPress seems to be the direction designers are taking these days because it’s search engine friendly. Web designers used to love Flash, because they were able to make their sites look cool and slick. The drawback with using a Flash-based site is first you have to have Flash Player installed on your device to view it and second Google looks for text on the home page and doesn’t see anything.

One of the benefits of using WordPress is you don’t have to rely on a designer every time you need a text change. You can log in to what they call the dashboard via your phone or desktop and make changes yourself. The other benefit is the language that it uses is html, so if the code is written properly it can reformat the page to work on other devices. Reflowing the design is what some people call liquid layout, but in the WordPress world it’s called responsive themes. There are many free WordPress themes out there, but my recommendation is to get a responsive one. The theme that I’m using I purchased because I found that the ones with cooler bells and whistles were ones the developers had spent a lot of time writing code and therefore needed to get paid for it. I found that most web-hosting sites either offer to design your website for free or allow you to design it yourself using a limited number of themes on their site. The catch is you have to sign up with them to host your site. The other problem is you have to use the themes as is, whereas with mine some of the code had to be customized.

Anyway, some might think this post is dreck while others will find it helpful. My goal was to share what I’ve learned in hopes that it helps someone. In the meantime check out my website, it’s loaded with great information.

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